DEI Panel Discussion at EDA’s DEI Conference

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Four StepUp Directors joined Electricity Distributors Association (EDA) for a panel conversation about diversity, equity, and inclusion on Tuesday, November 5 for the EDA’s DEI 2024 at the Toronto Region Board of Trade. Reference EDA: “While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all rule book for weaving a successful DEI program into the fabric of your organization, the first step in any plan is informing yourself. Continue your journey by learning what DEI truly is, furthering your understanding of the value it can bring to your company and staff team, and, most importantly, how to move beyond awareness to meaningful action.” Thank you Electricity Distributors Association (EDA) for inviting StepUp to be part of the conversation!


Some key take aways from Our Directors:

Carrie: “Here’s an interesting fact I learned: did you know that every $1 invested in psychological health and safety initiatives yields a $1.62 return on investment to the organization? Investing in the well-being of our teams just makes sense.”

Lenore: “The importance of succession planning, voluntary self identification, and creating mentorship programs to support employees returning from parental leave were just some of the takeaways on how we move the needle when it comes to gender inclusion.”