Build Your Personal Brand

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As our first event of 2024, StepUp Energy hosted an energizing evening of training to support women in the energy sector build a powerful personal brand. Sponsored by gold sponsor Elexicon Energy Inc, the event was an evening focused on making connections and gathering takeaways for building long-term presence, leadership and influence.

We began the event by celebrating Mihskakwan James Harper, recipient of the 2023 StepUp Leadership & Innovation award, recognizing his important work on battery storage and Indigenous community engagement with NRStor Inc. The annual award is presented in honor of StepUp board member, colleague, and friend Vikram Singh, and we were grateful to be joined by Vikram’s family to present the award.


We were joined by Indrani Butany, president and CEO of Elexicon Energy Inc. for a keynote speech that took us on the journey and evolution of her public brand, exemplifying the presence and authenticity of an impressive executive leader.

The Build Your Brand training was delivered by Vasie Papadopoulos, WXN Canada’s Most Powerful Women Top 100 Award Winner, who shared tangible insights for identifying acknowledging and building presence with 5 main attributes: 

  • Personal presence framework
  • Storytelling
  • Network
  • Audience and platform
  • Playing the part

Additional takeaways included considering what you want to be known as, how you will tell your story leveraging your experiences with honesty and integrity, and the importance of self-advocacy. Participants left feeling enthused to implement the building your brand takeaways. The night culminated with professional headshots for participants by StepUp board member Jerome James, and delicious canapes and drinks while connecting with other women in the sector and taking in the incredible views of Toronto and Lake Ontario from the impressive Microsoft office, who generously provided their space for our event.

Thank you Elexicon Canada Inc. for being our exclusive event sponsor.

Thank you Microsoft Canada for being our venue sponsor.