StepUp Energy Sector EDI Study Report

With input in the spring of 2022 from almost 1,200 survey respondents across the country, the StepUp Energy Sector EDI Study identified five (5) opportunity areas for Canada's energy sector, including specifics for the energy management, generation/renewables and transmission and distribution sub-sectors. The key opportunity areas include:

  • Career development was consistently the sector's greatest Inclusion KPI pain point.
  • Women were underrepresented at the C-Suite level.
  • Minority races and ethnicities experienced significant barriers to career progression at the manager level, Black people experience significantly less inclusivity.
  • LGBTQ2+ groups felt less safe in the workplace than cis-heteronormative counterparts.
  • The pandemic had significantly affected mental health concerns in the workplace and disproportionately affected those with intersecting identities.

Recommendations on a path forward were presented in the study and were discussed during the in-person engagement session and fireside chat on Thursday, October 20 from 5-7pm at the office of Gowling WLG, in Toronto, Ontario.

This study was funded by Alectra Utilities, Hydro One, Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), Natural Resources Canada and Peak Power.

Opportunity Areas


Career development is consistently the sector's greatest Inclusion pain point, pointing to systematic barriers for non-dominant groups.


StepUp to host energy sector networking events for diverse workers to increase access to potential sponsors and mentors.


Women+ are underrepresented at the C-Suite level, influenced by systematic barriers to workplace safety and career development.

StepUp to encourage EDI-aligned succession strategies and promote EDI-qualified recruiters so energy companies can prioritize a diverse talent funnel.


Minority races and ethnicities experience significant barrier to career progression at the manager level. Black people experience significantly less inclusivity.

StepUp to host cross-organizational EDI strategy fireside chats with board members and executives to help build EDI solutions and break down barriers.


LGBTQ2+ groups feel less safe in the workplace than cis-heteronormative counterparts. representation drops off between the Director and VP level.

StepUp to endorse and promote an external HR team for independent investigations of employee harassment reports, with clear processes and swift timelines.


The pandemic has significantly affected mental health concerns in the workplace and disproportionately affected those with intersecting identities.

Encourage more equitable policies to support Energy sector employees according to their needs, with a focus on flexibility between in-person and online events.
